Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Political Passion

Who would have thought that a three year old could be so passionate about politics especially since his parents are not so much. If you read my last post you would see that Trey has become a little obsessed with Obama & McCain so last night after Jeff got home we told Trey that we were going to vote. Although he didn't know what that meant he was so excited to go. We walked down the street to a church, voted, and started to walk back home. We were about half way home when Trey says, 'Where are we going now?', I replied, 'We are going home to get warm and go to bed'. Stopped dead in his tracks Trey's bottom lipped curled and tears welled up in his eyes as he started screaming, 'but I wanted to see John McCain.' It was the saddest little face I have ever seen. It was like we had taken him to the gates of Thomas Town, let him take a peek and then ripped him away. He cried the whole way home!! By the time we got home it was already announced that Obama was President, Trey's tears dried and he played his guitar with joy!!


hosander said...

I'm sorry, but that is just adorable. He'll be a politician his whole life if he keeps this up!

LauraLee said...

I am a little worried!

Kira said...

Childhood passes to quickly. I wish I could forget so quickly.