Friday, April 13, 2012

Pretty In Pink

Our little princess Avrey turned 2!!
Every time we asked Avrey what she wanted for her birthday she said "PINK", so we did just that!
At our house we have a hard time waiting to open gifts! So after we had our pink sparkle pancakes and got our "pretties" on we were set!!

We spent the afternoon at the farm with Avrey's best friend Miss Lisa & her family!

We made sure to finish the night of right with princess pink cake! We are so lucky to have our little princess and love her so much!!


Angie said...

I can't believe she's two!

Sarah said...

Happy birthday Avrey! I can not believe that she is 2. Didn't you just have her?!?!?!

Love all the pink and purple and girliness in your house now. Love it! :)