Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Danger "FALL"ing all around

As the warm days are coming to an end I thought it would be a good idea to get all the leaves cleaned up before the snow comes. Yesterday afternoon I tried to do just that. Trey was at school, and Kaden was asleep so Avrey and I headed outside. I put Avrey in her saucer near the front porch and started raking. A short while later I noticed that a leaf had fallen onto Avrey's seat and she, of course, put it directly into her mouth. I ran over and got most of it out of her hand and the few pieces from the front of her mouth when I noticed she began to choke. I grabbed her out of her seat and began patting her back but it seemed to only be getting worse. All I could think is, get inside and call 911. So I did. Avrey was having a hard time breathing and seemed like she was getting no air in whatsoever. Her face was getting very red and had tears running down her face but she wasn't making the sounds of crying. The fire truck arrived within 3 minutes waking Kaden up wondering what in the world was going on. Luckily, by the time they had gotten here Avrey was breathing on her own and had apparently swallowed the leaf. She was scared and holding onto me pretty tight. Kaden became very nervous when the ambulance arrived. Thankfully, one of the fire fighters saw that and took him to check out the fire truck. Although that moment was the scariest moment of my life I feel so blessed that she did not need CPR or something more invasive. Everyone knows to keep small objects like legos & marbles from babies but never in a million years would I have thought a leaf could be so harmful. I am also very thankful for that still small voice and the comfort I was given to stay calm in such a scary situation. We did take her to the doctor afterwards just to have her checked out and thankfully everything checked out fine!


Colleen said...

That is pretty much my worst fear. I am glad everything turned out okay in the end. Cute pic...love all the leaves!

Michelle said...

SO SO scary!! I am so glad it all turned out OK!

Meggin said...

How scary! I am with Colleen--that's just about the scariest thing that can happen to you as a mom!

Paul and Suzy said...

That is so scary Julie! I am so glad all is okay!
P.S. LOVE the picture at the top of your blog!

Marie HMJ said...

What a frightening story! I'm so glad she's ok! What a cutie :)